How to Order

Choose an item from the galleries

The galleries on this website show items available for sale. You can select something from a gallery, indicating whether you will accept something similar if your choice is no longer available.  If you want to choose a different wood or shape or size please tell me.  (See below.)

Ask me to make you something

You can ask me about an item you would like me to make in one of two ways:

                      1:   e-mail:
                      2:  Telephone: 01865 86 1934 or 0777 944 5251

Describe it in words with a drawing if possible.  If you telephone I will give you an address to send your drawing.  If you email me, please scan your drawing and attach the scan.  Don’t forget to give me an indication of size.

Below is an example drawing:

Example drawing Vase 2 copy

I will respond as soon as I can by sending you a working diagram of my understanding of what you want and giving you an estimate of cost and completion date.  You can accept or reject my suggestion and we can move on from there. (Free of charge of course.)

If you are choosing an exotic or expensive wood I may ask you for a non refundable deposit to cover the cost of the wood.